Can Stoicism help us to succeed in life?
Stoics believe that we are the only ones that can make us
happy or unhappy, and that everything is based on our attitude. Stoicism is
defined as “A philosophy that counsels self-control, detachment, and acceptance
of one’s fate as identified by the objective use of reason.” (Chapter 7 Introduction).
“The Stoics learned, as many of us do, that our lives are not entirely our own…
Rather than complain about what they could not control, the Stoics chose to
master what they could: their own minds. By mastering their thoughts, they
believed, they could master their feelings.” (Section 7-7). “In some mysterious
way, the actual course of our lives is directed by the Logos, which the Stoics
thought of as World Reason or Cosmic Mind… Sometimes the Logos is referred to
as God, Zeus, Nature, Providence, Cosmic Meaning, or Fate.” (Section 7-7)
I believe that stoicism does in fact help people get through
tough times and make the most of what we have. Epictetus was a former slave and
practicing Stoicism helped him get through it. He knew his situation but he did
not let it make him unhappy. He knew he only had control over one thing and one
thing only which were his reactions. This is how he made it through being a
slave and to become one of the most influential Stoic Philosophers.
I work at a Distribution Warehouse and our busiest time of
the year is the holiday season. At which time everyone is forced to stay
overtime as needed and I work on my feet all day long and my boss is very rude.
By the end of the day I am so tired that I have felt like just quitting and
finding a lower paying job that is easier. I never do this because I know I have
responsibilities and I have to meet them, I have enough self-discipline to stay
at work and make the most of it. I try to stay positive when I’m told to do
something I don’t want to do and I try to just get it over with. When I come
home I try to look at the bright side, for example I just made some good money
and I am employed. I know that only I can make myself happy or unhappy so I try
to make myself happy.
I think this way because I know people have it harder than
me and I know that when I come home I want to be happy and not bitter and mad
about my job. It is a better way of dealing with life than just getting mad and
sad about things I can’t control. We can’t control everything that life throws
in our way but we can control how happy we are by not letting a situation get
in the way of our happiness. We also have to accept and come to terms that this
is our life and this is who it is going to be, not forever but for at least
now. I am also religious and I agree that God controls what happens and has a
plan for me.
Word Count:531